Sangha is a term that originated in the early Indic traditions and was used to describe a special kind of practice community. This virtual community of practice exists to serve people who are interested in a pursuit of spiritual, contemplative, psychological, & existential insights regarding our shared human condition. Ultimately, this is a community whose purpose is to support practitioners in metabolizing & integrating these insights, such that they lead to real-life transformation. The Buddhist Geeks Sangha is a place where you can engage in independent practice, while being in an interdependent learning community.
We aim to realize these aims by hosting a Social Meditation Calendar–filled with regular live practice opportunities–through our Buddhist Geeks Mighty Network, where community members can connect anytime. All of this is powered by an economic model called Transparent Generosity. As such, all are welcome in this Sangha, regardless of their economic status, experience-level, or any other qualifier that describes some important part of who they are.
Would you like to sit silently with peers on a regular basis? Or practice new forms of relational meditation out loud with others? Our Social Meditation Calendar includes a daily schedule of live practice periods, so that you can join a session whenever it works for you. These regular practice periods are offered at the top of the hour and run for 30-60 minutes.
All out loud sessions are hosted by a trained Social Meditation Facilitator, while anyone in the community can host a silent “Just Sitting” session. If you’d like to learn about any of the forms of meditation that we do together in the Buddhist Geeks Network you can visit the Social Meditation Guide to find out more.
Transparent Generosity involves openly sharing information with you about what we suggest people give–from $0 to ♾/ month–as well as data on the average amount given, the top and bottom range, etc.
Feel free to check out the current financial metrics on the Buddhist Geeks Network so you can get a sense for the data.
This transparent sharing of information is meant to inform people’s giving, giving them some clear reference points, while at the same time, not restricting access to our programming based on finances.